Coping & Competence Module : Participant’s Workbook
Coping & Competence Module : Participant’s Workbook
At the end of the program, the participant will be able to evaluate the importance of a stressful event in his life and determine if he is able or not, to modify this event. If the event is perceived as being modifiable, the participant will use means aimed at working on the problem. If the event is perceived impossible to modify, the participant will use means to act on his emotions. His active participation in the program will thus permit him to identify his personal resources and the ones present at this time in his environement, to use them, and to reduce the negative effects of stress in his life using appropriate strategies of controlling the « oncoming » symptoms on his sickness.
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By buying a handbook about group therapy, you attest that you have previously received a formation in group psychotherapy with patients displaying serious mental health issues. You also attest that you have a sufficient formation in behavioral cognitive therapy to follow the
group intervention handbook. If you don’t plan on offering group interventions yourself, you guarantee that the therapists that will offer them do have the necessary skills to do so.